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Important minerals after WLS

In order for you to feel as good as possible after your weight loss surgery, in addition to eating healthy and nutritious food,  make sure that you take your extra vitamins and minerals to ensure your nutritional needs are met!

The reason you need extra supplements of vitamins and minerals after WLS is that the body’s ability to absorb them deteriorates.  One reason for this is that the amount of hydrochloric acid in the pouch is very low after both a gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Hydrochloric acid is needed to activate and absorb several vitamins and minerals. Absorption is even more limited with a gastric bypass since the part of the intestine that is bypassed is where a lot of nutrition is absorbed.  

Many people feel great after their operation, and we know that it can be difficult to take supplements when you’re perhaps better than ever!  The tricky thing is that many deficiencies take several years to develop.  Here you will get a crash course on the important minerals after surgery and why you need to take your supplements to keep that good feeling going! 

Iron after gastric bypass and gastric sleeve

Iron absorption is decreased with both the bypass and sleeve due to decreased levels of hydrochloric acid in the new pouch, and it’s also absorbed in the part of the intestine that is bypassed during the gastric bypass.  Absorption is better from supplements that contain a citrate form of iron since this helps get around the reduced levels of stomach acid.  Food also empties from your stomach faster after WLS which gives the body less time to change the iron into a form that your body can use (Fe3+ -> Fe2+).
Iron is part of hemoglobin which is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. Good sources include liver, red meats, poultry, certain fish, dark leafy greens, lentils, egg yolks, and whole-grain products. But just getting iron from food is not enough. Iron deficiency is common after WLS since absorption is so greatly affected, and it’s easy to forget or stop taking supplements.  Typical symptoms of iron deficiency include tiredness, lack of stamina, and pale complexion. As iron deficiency gets worse, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath can develop.
According to the Nordic guidelines, both men and women should supplement 45-60mg of iron per day after WLS. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding may need higher doses, so be sure to get your blood tests done regularly and pay attention if you have symptoms of deficiency

Calcium after gastric sleeve and gastric bypass

CALCIUM: Our bones are vital organs that require constant rebuilding to maintain their strength with calcium as one of the main building blocks.  Calcium is also needed for muscle and nerve function and blood coagulation. Because of all of its roles in the body, there needs to be a constant level of calcium in the blood. If there is too little calcium coming from outside sources (foods and supplements), then the body will get it from your bones.
Calcium is mainly absorbed in the part of the intestine that is bypassed by the gastric bypass. The reduced amount of stomach acid after both the bypass and sleeve also affects absorption. Even though you will get some calcium from food, like dairy products and dark leafy veggies, you will still need to supplement after surgery.   One of the main types of calcium that is available is called calcium carbonate, and this is hard to absorb after surgery due to decreased stomach acid.  This is why calcium citrate (which Baricol® Complete contains) is absorbed better than carbonate.  Unfortunately, calcium deficiency doesn’t really give any symptoms until it is too late when something like osteoporosis would be diagnosed.
After surgery, you need to supplement both calcium and vitamin D to maintain good levels of calcium so that your body doesn’t take it from your skeleton. According to the Nordic guidelines, you need to supplement at least 500mg of calcium citrate per day. Baricol Complete contains 1000mg of calcium citrate.

Zinc after gastric sleeve and gastric bypass

Zinc is a vital mineral that is important for the immune system and metabolism.  Zinc is also good for the growth of healthy hair, skin, and nails.  Good sources include oysters, milk, meats, and nuts.

Much like other vitamins and minerals, zinc is absorbed in the upper part of the intestine which is bypassed during a gastric bypass. In addition, hydrochloric acid, which is decreased after both the sleeve and bypass, is needed to release zinc from food and to help with absorption. Deficiencies can contribute to poor wound healing and a weakened immune system, anemia, depression, aggression, and trouble learning.   It can also lead to skin changes, white spots forming on the nails, and hair loss.

According to the Nordic guidelines, you need to supplement at least 9mg of zinc per day after WLS. It is also best to take zinc in the citrate form to make it more easily absorbed.  Baricol contains 21mg of zinc citrate.

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